Primary and Specialty Care Winchester - El Camino Health
About Primary and Specialty Care Winchester - El Camino Health
The providers at El Camino Health Primary and Specialty Care do more than treat you when you’re sick — we specialize in you and your good health. We manage all aspects of your health from routine physicals to managing chronic conditions.
Clinic hours: Open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
All services are designed with your health, comfort and convenience in mind, including:
- Same-day appointments. We offer same-day appointments, whenever possible. We do our best to make appointments convenient for you.
- Collaborative providers. Together, you and your doctor will develop your care plan. We have the knowledge and experience to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- Our focus is on you. You get personalized attention from a doctor who specializes in you. We take the time to listen to your concerns and make sure you do not feel rushed.
- Save time with myCare. We make taking care of your health more convenient through myCare, where you can request an appointment, get lab results, and email your doctor or a member of your care team directly.
- Full access to services. We can help you access the full range of services at El Camino Hospital in Los Gatos and Mountain View, plus many other healthcare providers in the Bay Area.
- Health Talks. Speak with our doctors at local health events and learn ways to better manage your health.
To schedule an appointment with a specific department, please call.
Internal and Family Medicine - 408-871-3400
Nephrology - 408-871-3400
Orthopedic Spine - 408-871-3400
Accepted Payment Methods: Debit and Credit cards, including FSA (Flexible Spending Account) cards.

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Primary and Specialty Care Winchester - El Camino Health
8:00 am - 5:00 pm