Nicole Tarui, MD

Psychiatry and Psychology
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Nicole Tarui, MD, is a reproductive psychiatrist and medical director of the Maternal Outreach Mood Services (MOMS) Program at El Camino Health. Dr. Tarui offers patients specialized care for the treatment of mental health conditions during pregnancy and postpartum.

Dr. Tarui is passionate about helping expecting and new parents transition into the next phase of their lives and enjoys working with parents and infants together. She believes that patients should not be defined by their symptoms or diagnosis and strives to understand each person's strengths, experiences and history.

"Helping a parent navigate their mental health journey can have a positive impact on the bond they develop with their child," Dr. Tarui explains.

Along with a multidisciplinary team, she provides a wide range of mental health services to foster healing and help individuals focus on recovery in an individualized way.

When she's not working with patients, Dr. Tarui enjoys spending time with her family, traveling and hiking new trails in the Bay Area.
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